Medicare + Supplemental Insurance

Medicare + Supplemental Insurance Introduction

If you are turning age 65 in the next few months, or are 65+ and transitioning from employer-sponsored health insurance to Medicare, or comparing your current coverage to alternatives... may feel overwhelmed. Frustrated too!  I guess you are experiencing one or both of these scenarios:

-You are receiving mail from insurance companies and agents in the mail daily.  The mail pieces differ in color and size, but they all have the same aim…They want to sell you their own insurance company's product!  Any question that you ask, their answer will be, "My insurance company's plan is your answer!"

-Or you are surfing the internet and looking over supplemental insurance plans to pair with Medicare (Medicare Supplement, Part D Rx, Medicare Advantage), at insurance companies’ web sites, and again, they are hawking one answer for each one of your questions, "My insurance company's plan is your answer!"

There are two main reasons this is not helpful to you at all.

One Choice is Not Better Than Many

First, their insurance plan may be the best choice, but there are 30+ other plans available to you! Wouldn't it be nice to compare these other plans to make sure you are indeed choosing the best plan?


Clear Information Helps, Not a Sales Pitch

And Second, advertisements don’t answer the first question you should be asking, which is what is Medicare and supplemental insurance, what does it cover, how will it benefit me?!

What is Helpful: Education and answering your questions in a meeting (in person, a phone call or Zoom)


(1): Medicare Explanation

I take the time to explain to you what Medicare is.  We review together what Medicare Parts A and B are. Each benefit of the plans.  We discuss what Medicare pays, and the amount of medical expenses left for you to pay. I also explain how to easily apply for Medicare, the timing, and when you will receive your Medicare ID card.

(2): Supplemental Insurance

We talk about the differing supplemental insurance plans to pair with Medicare available in your area. I will explain the two “supplemental avenues;” choosing  a Medicare Supplement (also called “Medigap”) plan and pairing it with a Part D prescription drug plan.  Or Medicare Advantage plans.  We will compare the pros / cons of each.

(3): Prescription Coverage

We discuss, with your permission, any prescriptions you take, and the local pharmacy you utilize. Then I will figure how your Rx will be covered, to help recommend the best plan. In short, we try to determine the insurance plan that will pay the most toward your prescriptions when you pick them up at your favorite pharmacy.


(4): Comparing Multiple Insurers

Once we determine the best plan types for your situation we can compare rates and benefits offered by all of the available insurance companies . We will price compare similar coverages to save you money, and choose the best plans. (this is the step where most insurance agents are trying to start in their sales presentation, but with only one company offered!)

(5): Enrolling and Confirmation

Plan choices made, we can complete the enrollment process, either paper forms, phone, or via online enroll (the option you are most comfortable with). I get you enrolled with the insurers and confirm with you the coverage, start date, cost, etc.  I then work to make sure you receive the correct policies, ID cards and other information before the start date of your coverage.

(6): Ongoing Help and Service

Last but not least, I remain as your servicing agent on the plans you choose, always available to answer your questions and advocate for you with the insurance companies if any problems arise. During the open enrollment period each Fall we can work together to review plan changes and decide if you should make any changes in your coverage for the upcoming plan year.


If these steps would be helpful to you, read over the other information on this web site, then contact me today.  I look forward to talking with you and answering your questions.

Chip Millard
(919) 357-6637 (tel/text)

(Note: I do not charge a fee of any kind for meeting with you, researching plans, making recommendations, or answering your questions. If you choose a plan, and me as your enrolling agent, the insurer pays me to work as your servicing agent. If not, that is OK too! )


 Looking for Specific Information about the Different Types of Supplemental Medicare Insurance? Click Here:

Medicare Supplement (Medigap)

Part D Prescription Drug Plan

Medicare Advantage (Part C)

Free Info Packet and Quotes

Complete the form below and we will send you clear, concise information about Medicare + supplemental insurance, along with quotes to consider from insurance companies. We will compare the plans’ benefits and costs, and recommend what looks best based on your details and preferences.

Photo by jacoblund/iStock / Getty Images

Note: Privacy is something we take seriously, and keeping the information you shared private is of utmost importance to us.  We do not share any information with third parties.  The minimum of information is shared with an insurance company to put together a detailed free quote and illustration for you.